Holiday Countdown Planner {Week Three}
It’s week 3 of the Holiday Countdown. Get your free printable with breakdown of tasks to get ready for Christmas!
The weeks leading up to Christmas seem to be flying by, don’t they? That’s why I created the Holiday Countdown Planner in the first place, so it doesn’t have the chance to sneak up on me! For the most part, I’m on track this year. Although, heavy snow over the past two weekends means our outdoor lights are still in their storage totes downstairs. Here’s hoping tomorrow or Sunday are a little better!
This weekend I plan on attending two Christmas sales, Vintage With Flair and the Millarville Christmas Market. I’m hoping to find some vintage items to add to my holiday decorating scheme since they’re some of my favourites.

Tasks for This Week
If you’re just joining us, be sure to check out week one and week two of the series to catch up and print out your Holiday Countdown Planners. There’s still plenty of time!
Step One
To get your free Printable Planner for Week Three, simply click on the image below. From there, you can save and print.
Step Two
Once you’ve printed out the planner, read the post Holiday Countdown Series Recap {Week Three} and you’ll know what your homework is for the week.
You can expect to see a holiday related post or two next week tracking my own preparation process. As well, I’m also bringing back the One Item Project Challenge starting on Wednesday with two new participants and, of course, three new items!

What have you been up to the past couple weeks?
Tara created beautiful gold-dipped ornaments.

Sheila began gathering items for her holiday decorating scheme.

Tina picked up amaryllis and paperwhite bulbs for her kids to plant.

Participating in the Holiday Countdown this year?
Share what you’ve been up to each week in a blog post (or as many weeks as you wish). Be sure to link back to the corresponding week’s post. Let me know you’re participating and I’ll share your project on social media.
Also, remember to share your photos or updates on social media with the hashtag #satoriholidaycountdown
Or, simply leave a comment each week updating us on what you’ve been up to!
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Enjoy your weekend,

Thanks for mentioning my post! This countdown has really helped me to calm down about the upcoming holidays. I’m planning to plant some bulbs this weekend and hang some lights outside. I’m a little behind on the countdown list, but I’m way ahead of where I was last year! Thanks again for this great countdown!
Tina, it has been fun reading your posts. Can’t wait to see what you’re up to this coming week :)
Thank you so much for sharing my ornaments, Shauna! Love your holiday countdown planner! I’m a HUGE planner, so this is perfect for me!
You’re welcome- they’re lovely!