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Fabric Pin Board + More Office Makeover Details {ORC Week Four}

Want to create a fabric pin board of your own? I’m sharing how to make one using an old frame, plus more office makeover updates from week four of the One Room Challenge!

It’s already week four of Calling it Home’s One Room Challenge, also known as my quest to make my office better-organized, functional, and, of course, prettier! Although I had more time to work on projects this week with Thanksgiving behind us, I was only able to get a couple completely finished. Others are in progress, so I’m confident I will be able to wrap them up by the last week of the challenge.

If you’re just catching up, you can check out my desk drawer organization from week two, as well as last week’s office DIY plans and lighting selections.

One Room Challenge Linking Participant

As mentioned last week, I’ve been wanting a large fabric-covered pin board or inspiration board in my office for years. With the motivation (rather, kick in the pants) I received from joining this series, I finally got around to making one out of supplies I had around the house with the exception of the cotton canvas I purchased at Michaels.

The total cost for the board was under $10, which is a far cry from the ready-made pinboards I’d been looking at.

Fabric Covered Pinboard with Gold Pins

How to Make a Fabric Pin Board

I started with a wooden frame (from an old piece of artwork) that I painted white using what we had left over from our basement renovation.

I then added a gold detail around the inner edge with gold liquid gilding I had kicking around from my bird art project.

If you haven’t used this product before, I highly recommend it (and no Martha didn’t pay me to say that!). It goes on smooth and leaves a beautiful gold finish.

Gold Liquid Gilding for Pin Board Project

Fortunately, my frame came with a back piece I was able to wrap batting and fabric around and staple tightly to create the actual pin board.

If you only have the frame, consider using cork, a ceiling tile or homasote (sound-proofing board) to create your pinboard. Check out Cheryl’s post if you want more detailed instructions on how to create your own pin board.

DIY Fabric Pin Board Using Old Frame

Decorative Gold Pins

Instead of buying fancy pins at Michaels for nearly $10 to use on my inspiration board, I decided to make my own gold-dipped ones using the same gilding product.

I simply dipped quilting pins into the bottle and stuck them in a piece of foam to dry.

DIY Gold Dipped Pins - Satori Design for Living

They’re the perfect detail for affixing quotes or inspiration pieces to the board. This is one of my favourites…

Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?

Fanny Brice
DIY Office Inspiration Board with Quotes

Good advice for life, right?!

DIY White Pin Board Using Old Frame, Paint and Cotton Canvas

With this bulletin board project checked off my list, I can carry on with making over the file cabinet, as well as the other details of my office makeover.

Office Refresh

Office Chandelier

After setting up my nickel and gold desk lamp this week (which I love, by the way), I started to rethink the finish I selected for my ceiling fixture. After posting on facebook yesterday whether you’d choose the pewter or antique gold chandelier (from RH Baby & Child), the majority said pewter. I’m feeling more certain about the choice and I’m going to stick to with my original order.

Manor Court Chandelier From RH Baby & Child

As with every week so far, I still have a lot of work ahead of me to complete this office makeover, but I’m feeling like progress is being made. Now I’m just crossing my fingers everything gets here on time! Be sure to check out the other One Room Challenge project updates for this week!

One other thing before you head off… If you’re looking for more useful and pretty ideas in your life, make sure you’re on the email list! You can subscribe here.


Shauna at Satori Design for Living Blog - Home Decor, DIY, Vintage Finds, Recipes


  1. oh, liquid gilding…if I was forced to have only one product in my crafting arsenal, that would be it. It’s magical. 

    1. Thanks Karen. It’s so nice to finally check some of this stuff off my list. I spend so much time in my office and it’s nice to have an inspiring workspace!

  2. I love the dipped pin idea! It’s amazing how the little things can save you so much money when you use your creativity! :)

  3. I love the way it’s coming along Shauna! I’ve never used Martha’s Gold liquid but that’s going to have to change!!

  4. Your office is going to look gorgeous, I’m sure! I do like the bits of gold you are incorporating too, very beautiful!

  5. What a great idea for gilding your pins!  Everything is looking great ~ can’t wait to see the final reveal!

  6. I see little hints of the beautiful gold gilding, tying that all together with a stunning light fixture would be brilliant! ;) Can’t wait to see the whole room, it’s beautiful so far!

  7. How smart are you with making your own gold pins. Such an easy thing, and I would not have thought of it. Love the pinboard and now I want one. You can’t go wrong with either chandy, looks great.

  8. Things are looking so good – love the pinboard and who would have thought to dip the pins into gold paint?  Great idea!  Looking forward to seeing what you do next.

  9. The board looks so fancy Shauna!!!! I love the pin idea too! Love either of the chandy, so go for it!

  10. Awesome, as always!!! I have yet to try the gold gilding, but I’ve only heard great things about it, so Go Martha! Love what you did with the quilting pins, and that you used pins at all – they look so much better than pushpins or racks!!

  11. It looks amazing, Shauna and you’re too clever with the gold pins! I’ve never tried the liquid gold, thanks for the tip! :)

  12. Oh I love the chandeliers!  and that desk, too.  Looks like it will be fabulous when you’re done.

  13. I love it, I wish I was able to do things like that, I am far from crafty and tired of messing things up. 

  14. Love the new pin board…especially the gold dipped pins! Maybe we can get Pinterest to add some gold pins to their site…wouldn’t that be fun?! Inspired by Shauna!

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