Workspaces That Inspire {Nostalgic Summer Jewelry Studio}
Workspaces That Inspire Series: Sharing Renee’s studio where she creates her Nostalgic Summer Jewelry line handcrafted from vintage pieces.
I was looking for the perfect gift for one of my girlfriends back at Christmas and I remembered seeing these cute vintage necklaces made by Renee of Nostalgic Summer. Some of you may recall the Etsy Feature and giveaway I hosted back in November. While gathering info for that particular post, Renee made a real impression on me. I knew she was someone I wanted to keep in touch with. What stood out to me was her kindness, the care and detail she puts into her craft, her love of integrating old and new, and the story she has for each of her unique jewelry pieces.

While I was on summer break, I started thinking about new topics to write about for the blog. I began making a list of all the things that inspire me. I remembered some photos I kept of Renee’s workspace for creating her jewelry.
One that stood out in particular to me was her inspiration board. My intention was to eventually share this photo along with other interesting boards I’ve gathered over time. Instead, the thought went a bit further and led to the idea of starting a new series: Workspaces That Inspire
Vintage Jewelry Studio
I think it’s only fitting that Renee’s jewelry studio is the first I’m sharing with you.

After deciding on the series, I asked Renee if she could send me a few more photos of her space. I wasn’t at all surprised to see the vintage styling.
Just like her jewelry pieces, everything is carefully chosen, right down to the clever storage containers.

These dress forms are perfect for storing handcrafted necklaces, as well as for displaying pieces when taking photos for her Etsy shop.

Renee’s passion for collecting shows in these beautiful tin containers she has found at garage sales, flea markets and second hand shops. Her friends are also on the lookout for her, even sending photos from Goodwill for her to pick out her favourites.

Currently she’s displaying the tins on the open shelves crafted by her husband, but they’re actually inventory for her newest upcycled tin jewelry line of bangles, earrings and necklaces. Aren’t they beautiful?!

Finally, here is the striking red inspiration board that caught my eye in the first place. Renee uses it to hold thank you cards from clients, a photo of her dad who was a talented artist/wood crafter, a collection of ball gown postcards from a museum exhibit on the history of ball gowns, interesting vintage jewelry, a few handy charts and more. Also notice the 1940s enamel top tables.

I asked Renee, “What about your workspace makes you feel inspired?”
“I love the color of the room, the soothing blue walls, vibrant red furniture and all the colorful tins seem to help get my creative juices flowing. One of my vintage body forms has my collection of antique mother of pearl rosaries and m.o.p. beaded necklaces. I don’t get too attached to the vintage things I use in my jewelry… with the exception of the antique mother of pearl beads. I love the patina they develop over time.”
After seeing Renee’s workspace, it’s easy to see why her jewelry pieces are so creative and interesting. Being surrounded by such beauty on a daily basis can only rub off.
Do you have an inspiring workspace you’d like to share? Contact me for more information on how you can be part of this series.
One other thing before you head off… If you’re looking for more useful and pretty ideas in your life, make sure you’re on the email list! You can subscribe here.
Enjoy your day!

What a charming space ~ her tin collection is gorgeous, as is her unique jewelry!
Wow! I love her workspace! That is truly inspiring.
That is the best workplace I’ve seen! I can totally understand how she creates such beautiful pieces.
Yes, I definitely need to personalize mine a little more and make it a truly inspiring workspace too! (Added to my already long project list!)
Rene’s work space is has such a vintage feel and very inspiring, I love it.
The photos alone are very inspiring! I could spend hours in her workspace!
Rene’s workspace is beautiful. I love the vintage vibe, and how cheerful her colours are. And those bracelets! They are very cool! :-)