Early Spring Gardening: Starting Seeds Indoors
Tips for starting seeds indoors in the early spring season.
Happy first day of spring! Have you started thinking about gardening yet? We’re still getting snow around here (in fact there’s a blizzard going on right now), so digging around in the dirt and outdoor planting won’t happen for a while. But, I have started the process of planting seeds indoors.

A couple of weeks ago, I was at the dollar store and came across a pack of tiny peat pots. Organic produce has become very important to us, especially in the past couple of years. That being said, I thought I’d try growing some of our own this season.
In the past, I have tried starting some seeds indoors. Some turned out, while others were a flop. After doing some research, I’m hoping the changes I made this time around will lead to success.
So far, I’ve sowed two types of basil, chives, spinach, lettuce and rosemary in organic potting mix. I plan on showing you progress updates on Facebook over the next few weeks (hopefully all good!).
If you’re looking for tips for starting your own seeds indoors, I recommend checking out growing seeds indoors. It goes into detail about timing, watering, lighting and more.
Garden Planting Calendars
Another handy tool I came across is this garden planting calendar. Simply input your location and an entire sowing and transplant timetable will pop up for spring and fall. So handy! There’s also this one from Almanac.

Do you start seeds indoors? What tips do you have to ensure healthy plants?
Check out more ideas in the Gardening and Outdoor Project Gallery, including this Spring Crocus Planter.

One other thing before you head off… If you’re looking for more useful and pretty ideas in your life, make sure you’re on the email list! You can subscribe here.
Happy planting!

I have a very, very black thumb. How easy is it to start seeds indoors? If I forget to water them, or if my cats chew on them, will they die?
Perhaps you should stick to buying your plants at the greenhouse and putting them somewhere you won’t forget about them! My dog used to eat certain veges and herbs. The worst was when she bit into a hot pepper and spit it out onto the deck. I had been nurturing those babies all summer long and in a second they were gone!
I used to start seeds indoors, even had a grow station. But I don’t have the room or grow shelves any more. You’re having a blizzard? And I was worried about the little dusting we got.
Debbie :)
It would be so great to have room for a small greenhouse or sunroom, wouldn’t it? Send your warmish weather our way, please!
Last year I was SO intense about starting my seeds indoors. I bought lights and built a little shelf for my trays to sit on. It was a lot of fun (and work).
This year, everything is up in the air with the move, but I look forward to nursing wee baby seedlings once we’re setting into our next house.
Can’t wait to see how yours do this year!
Just think, next year you’ll be all settled into your new house and you can focus on something like starting your own seedlings!
I’ve just started some of those little pots too! Aren’t they great? Thanks for your handy reference chart there, I’ll check it out. I haven’t used one of those yet, I still use my mother-in-law for my planting dates!
Do you have a little greenhouse or where do you do yours?
The calendar is a great idea. I’m in Alberta though – I’m pretty sure it’s going to tell me to plant in July.
That’s where I am too. I think it’s always better to be safe than sorry. We do tend to get snow on May long weekend!
I am so ready for Spring and everything that comes with it! Thanks for your tips and links…
Believe it or not at one point we had an acre of garden. That was way to big. I was neck deep in produce and I seriously made about ten kinds of relish as well as a ton of other canning. I won’t tackle that again ( i remember crying out in the garden one day just thinking about all the work!) but we do still love to grow a garden of some kind every year.
I grew up on a farm, so I know what that’s like. So many hills of potatoes and digging up carrots until the cows came home! We had a good-sized garden at our last place that was manageable, yet well-producing. Now, with a smaller yard, it’s container gardening. If I can it’s from produce my mom sends my way.
First time reader. I also just started our seeds. We’re trying beans this year, a first for us. Also, living on the edge and seeing if we can grow asparagus. Wish us luck!
Glad you found me! Good luck with your new gardening ventures!
I love starting seeds indoors. Though I only have a small balcony to move them out to once it warms up, I’m looking forward to filling it with local organic produce. You can get more fresh than your own deck! Happy weekend Shauna.
So nice to have your own produce regardless of outdoor space. Vertical is the way to go. Happy weekend to you as well :)
I germinate my seeds in wet paper towels in baggies in the fridge. It works really well! Once they start to sprout then you can plant them in the soil know for sure that they have started.
That’s such a great idea! How long does it usually take between the wet paper towels and planting?