Holiday Countdown Planner {Week Seven}
We had a major snowstorm this week. Although it looks Christmasy outside, I’m not loving all of the shovelling I’m having to do! I was working up the courage to bundle up and head out into the chilly weather the other night (we’re talking -27°C), when I heard my neighbour using his snowblower on our driveway. I must make some extra cookies and take them over- bless his heart! My husband will definitely be in for a shock when he arrives home later this weekend to see the winter wonderland we have going on (he always knows the perfect time to go away on business)!
Needless to say, I didn’t get our front porch decorated yet. The tree is up, but I want to add a few more ornaments before I show it to you. If you’re just joining this year’s Holiday Countdown, you can catch up on all the details.

This Week’s Tasks
Step One
To get your free Printable Planner for Week Seven, simply click on the image below and you can save the PDF.
Step Two
Once you’ve printed out the planner, read the post Holiday Countdown Series Recap {Week Seven} (it’s a post I wrote last year with some updates) and you’ll know what your homework is for the week. Then I’ll see you again next Friday for week eight!
What have you been up to the past few weeks?
Virginia created these beautiful handmade Christmas cards using ribbon.

Andrea played around with holiday vase filler and created this pretty winter scene using epsom salts.

Want to share your Holiday Countdown progress?
Tell us what you’ve been up to each week in a blog post (or as many weeks as you wish). Be sure to link back to the corresponding week’s post. Let me know you’re participating and I’ll share your project on social media.
Be sure to share your photos or updates on social media with the hashtag #satoriholidaycountdown
It’s so fun seeing what you’re doing to get ready for Christmas :)
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Enjoy your weekend!

Thanks for the shout out! I love this idea of the weekly countdown! It makes the crazy less crazy and you can spend more time enjoying the holiday! I might be a little late, but I am using this this weekend!
Yes, when I started it two Christmases ago it really helped out with the worry factor. Now if there is something I’m not feeling inspired to do, or just don’t have the time, I nix it and move on to the next week. It’s highly likely our front porch won’t get done with all this snow and how freakin’ cold out it is right now- oh well!
When we heard of the storm we changed our plans on Sunday and did everything we needed to do out front. I have a few decor items I want in the back that I am trying to convince Craig to do. Monday has a high of -6 so maybe you can plan to tackle a bit of the porch then, maybe reduced a bit. Loving your Christmas posts, makes me feel like I am right on track. Keep Warm!
Hopefully I can tackle it on Monday! Glad to hear you were a little more prepared for this weather than I was! Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)
Thanks so much for sharing my cards! Love that cute little vase!